segunda-feira, 20 de outubro de 2008

In English

Agora eu vou trazer algumas coisas que produzo nas aulas de inglês.
geralmente curtos comentários sobre uma coisa ou outra, mas que vou colocar aê pra quem gosta da língua. :)

Don't you think it's weird mixing healthy and greasy stuff in a sandwich? I think so. Let's analyze Brazilian Sandwiches. The most common ingredients are: (hamburguer) meat, eggs, sausages, lettuce, onions, pepperonies, tomatos, bacon, bread, chicken and others, depending on your choice. But the examples of ingredients above show us the mix of vegetables and meat. The fact is that all these ingredients are prepared with oil or butter, and the tastes mix too. Maybe it could be better to only eat the meat (used to make a sandwich) or eat a good salad. But mixing looks like a way to reduce the effect of grasy stuff inside a sandwich, which I think it's not true.

sábado, 11 de outubro de 2008

Concrê #3

Mais um poema concreto :)